The Prosperous Feminine Leader

A FREE 90-minute Masterclass with Liya Garber

Saturday, February 4, 2023 | 9:00-10:30am PST

Free to register, recording included.

Activate Your Abundance - Embrace Your Magic - Magnetize Your Dreams

A new FREE masterclass for women leaders, healers & entrepreneurs who are ready to embody a frequency of limitless prosperity & revolutionize your relationship with money.

Sister, you hold the codes of prosperity and abundance in your cells.

As a woman, you have a special connection through your womb to the infinite Creative Life Force of the Universe and the power to create in the material plane.

Yet so many women still live in a frequency of limitations and blocks around money and creative power.

Maybe you inherited stories of money scarcity or fear through your family line. Maybe you were never shown examples of women business owners.

Maybe somewhere deep in your ancestral memory is a belief that it isn’t safe to be a powerful and successful woman.

And perhaps, deep down, there is a part of you that doesn’t feel you deserve to be prosperous, especially as a heart-led leader and a woman.

But another part of you knows that these stories no longer serve you.

Another part of you is ready to take the reins of your life and reclaim your power from these limiting beliefs.

This part of you knows that it’s time to SHIFT because YOU ARE READY to step into a new chapter of your life.

A new era where you are THRIVING in a flow of abundant giving and receiving.

And it all begins by alchemizing your inner stories around your power so you can welcome the blessings of life that are ready to flow to you.

My intention in doing this work is to reignite our feminine power and manifest the prosperous life we are destined for so we may step into our roles as change-makers to transform the world!

The time of waiting is over. It is time to Rise Up to our full potential and create our own destiny!

Join me for this FREE masterclass to activate your prosperity codes, transform your money mindset & start magnetizing abundance.

In this 90-minute power-packed FREE masterclass, I will share:

A special Kundalini activation to harmonize with the frequency of your prosperous life

How to work with money as living energy & cultivate your nervous system to receive

How to activate your magnetism and feminine superpowers for success

My techniques and practices that helped me start my business from zero as an immigrant

We will focus on discovering and embodying a frequency of limitless prosperity & revolutionizing your relationship with money.

Then we go deeper and I guide you to Activate Your Abundance, Reclaim Your Power, & Magnetize Your Dreams!

You will be able to tune-in from wherever you are and a playback will be provided!

Hi, I’m Liya. I am on a mission to support women to rise up, heal self-limiting stories, and claim our thrones of prosperity as we confidently share our soul medicine and leave big, bold legacies of love and liberation!

Up until a few years ago, I was always working for someone else until I realized that to build a future for myself and my daughter, I needed to build my own legacy and invest in myself.

Through divine rituals, nervous system resilience, ancestral healing and Kundalini Yoga, I am here to empower you to create a massive impact and lasting change for the next generations and all the world while living the life of your dreams.

In this free masterclass, I am sharing with you personal experiences, tools and practices that brought me from living in scarcity to living in flowing abundance from living my soul mission.

The calling for you to rise and share your medicine is stronger than your attachment to limitation.

And it’s time for you to truly RECEIVE abundantly for your authentic gifts.

Are you ready to activate your limitless prosperity?

Join me FREE for The Prosperous Feminine Leader!

Join our FREE:

The Prosperous Feminine Leader Masterclass and

connect back to the powerful feminine leader within.

The Prosperous Feminine Leader

A FREE 90-minute Masterclass with Liya Garber

Saturday, February 4, 2023 | 9:00-10:30am PST

Activate Your Abundance - Embrace Your Magic - Magnetize Your Dreams

A new FREE masterclass for women leaders, healers & entrepreneurs who are ready to embody a frequency of limitless prosperity & revolutionize your relationship with money.

Sister, you hold the codes of prosperity and abundance in your cells.

As a woman, you have a special connection through your womb to the infinite Creative Life Force of the Universe and the power to create in the material plane.

Yet so many women still live in a frequency of limitations and blocks around money and creative power.

Maybe you inherited stories of money scarcity or fear through your family line. Maybe you were never shown examples of women business owners.

Maybe somewhere deep in your ancestral memory is a belief that it isn’t safe to be a powerful and successful woman.

But another part of you knows that these stories no longer serve you.

In this 90-minute power-packed FREE masterclass, I will share:

A special Kundalini activation to harmonize with the frequency of your prosperous life

How to work with money as living energy & cultivate your nervous system to receive

How to activate your magnetism and feminine superpowers for success

My techniques and practices that helped me start my business from zero as an immigrant

We will focus on discovering and embodying a frequency of limitless prosperity & revolutionizing your relationship with money.

Then we go deeper and I guide you to Activate Your Abundance, Reclaim Your Power, & Magnetize Your Dreams!

You will be able to tune-in from wherever you are and a playback will be provided!

Hi, I’m Liya. I am on a mission to support women to rise up, heal self-limiting stories, and claim our thrones of prosperity as we confidently share our soul medicine and leave big, bold legacies of love and liberation!

Up until a few years ago, I was always working for someone else until I realized that to build a future for myself and my daughter, I needed to build my own legacy and invest in myself.

Through divine rituals, nervous system resilience, ancestral healing and Kundalini Yoga, I am here to empower you to create a massive impact and lasting change for the next generations and all the world while living the life of your dreams.

In this free masterclass, I am sharing with you personal experiences, tools and practices that brought me from living in scarcity to living in flowing abundance from living my soul mission.

The calling for you to rise and share your medicine is stronger than your attachment to limitation.

And it’s time for you to truly RECEIVE abundantly for your authentic gifts.

Are you ready to activate your limitless prosperity?

Join me FREE for The Prosperous Feminine Leader!

Join our FREE:

The Prosperous Feminine Leader Masterclass and

connect back to the powerful feminine leader within.

Sign Up Now for Special Early Bird Pricing & Bonuses

Imagine how different it would feel to…

  • Consciously lead a large Kundalini class with confidence, offering a clear, powerful, and transformational program to bring you success emotionally, energetically, and financially.

  • Attract your perfect soul clients and support their healing and growth, either 1-1 or through your own Kundalini yoga membership community.

  • Set your own schedule and terms as you teach and inspire from the comfort of your home (or anywhere in the world!), feeling empowered, awake, and in charge.

  • Show up online with an authentic presence, pro-level video, and amazing sound, so you can boost your reputation and impact!

  • Receive support from Liya’s team and a community of like-minded humans who are committed, like you, to the process of self-mastery.

  • Be a part of the global Aura Kundalini team of teachers and leaders who spread conscious teachings and practices all over the world!

Free Aura Membership 6 Months

($578 Value)

You’ll get INSTANT access to the collection of our Aura Kundalini Yoga classes to launch you into your Kundalini journey. Your membership begins the day you sign up for this program, so you can fire up your inner yogi as soon as possible!

We have new live classes every day of the week to fit your schedule. This is where you can meet the Aura teachers learn from them, and deepen your practice. By tuning into Aura classes, you will feel connected to the Aura community and get a real, live taste of what it would be like to teach from this online platform!

The First Ten People to Sign Up Receive 2 Private

Coaching Sessions


Liya will support you in setting your clear intentions for this training and what you want to master in this Self Initiation journey. These sessions are super intuitive to help you have your own unique experience.

($250 VALUE)


Lauren will guide you in getting connected to your soul as you embark on this incredible self-mastery journey so that your experience will be aligned with what your destiny is calling for!

($250 VALUE)




(Save $593)



The First Ten People to Sign Up Receive 2 Private Coaching Sessions


Liya will support you in setting your clear intentions for this training and what you want to master in this Self Initiation journey. These sessions are super intuitive to help you have your own unique experience.

($250 VALUE)


Lauren will guide you in getting connected to your soul as you embark on this incredible self-mastery journey so that your experience will be aligned with what your destiny is calling for!

($250 VALUE)


Pay in Full


4 Payments


The time is now!

The world needs more humans aligned with their truth, free from their egos, and walking their

dharmic path. When you become a certified Kundalini teacher you take part in creating a

better reality and higher vibration not just for yourself, but for all of us here on earth.

Are you ready to rise as a radiant, powerful, and conscious leader?