Sacred, Confident & Creative

a Kundalini Empowerment Event for Women

Sunday, April 21st | 5 -7 pm PDT

Live-streamed Online

with Liya Garber

Join Liya for an alchemical online event for women to cultivate the frequency of abundant self-love and unshakeable confidence through Kundalini Yoga, dharmic teachings, and transformational mind-mastery practices.

Online via Aura Academy: $44

Online registration includes recording.

Aura Members get 15% off this workshop!

Online through Aura Academy

In-Person at The Center SF

Within each woman lives a wise and powerful Creatrix.

She is as deep as she is expansive, walking tall in her path and creating her life from a wellspring of grounded inner confidence and mystical connection with All That Is.

She is confident not because she believes she is better than anyone else, but because she knows she is an essential jewel in the great web of Life , contributing her essence and fulfilling her mission alongside all beings.

This woman is within us all the time, yet she can so often be obscured, neglected or forgotten.

In modern times, the age-old dis-eases of competition and comparison are thriving, often draining our life forces by triggering negative self-talk and perpetuating shame. Many women tragically live disconnected from their inner power and lack the confidence to bring their soul-led dreams to reality.

To be a shining light in the world, each woman must cultivate her own confidence and self-esteem by remembering and reclaiming her innate worth and divine essence. 

She must learn how to compassionately meet herself, transform negative inner voices and uproot energetic ties to negative thoughts as she discerningly tends her inner world to be a garden of love, courage and truth.

This 2-hour women's event includes...

✦ Inspiring Dharma Talk

✦ Kundalini Yoga Empowerment Activation

✦ Codes for healthy boundaries and mind-mastery

✦ Embodied belief re-programming

✦ Meditation & chanting

What to bring: Water or tea, journal, clothes for movement

The world needs you grounded in your wisdom and power.

Join me Sunday, April 21st and let's do this together...

Online registration includes recording.

Aura Members get 15% off this workshop!

Sacred, Confident & Creative

a Kundalini Empowerment Event for Women

Sunday, April 21st

5 -7 pm PDT

Live-streamed Online

with Liya Garber

Join Liya for an alchemical online Kundalini Yoga event for women to cultivate the frequency of abundant self-love and unshakeable confidence.

Online through Aura Academy: $44

Online registration includes recording.

Aura Members get 15% off this event!

Within each woman lives a wise and powerful Creatrix.

She is as deep as she is expansive, walking tall in her path and creating her life from a wellspring of grounded inner confidence and mystical connection with All That Is.

She is confident not because she believes she is better than anyone else, but because she knows she is an essential jewel in the great web of Life, contributing her essence and fulfilling her mission alongside all beings.

This woman is within us all the time, yet she can so often be obscured, neglected or forgotten.

In modern times, the age-old dis-eases of competition and comparison are thriving, often draining our life forces by triggering negative self-talk and perpetuating shame.

Many women tragically live disconnected from their inner power and lack the confidence to bring their soul-led dreams to reality.

To be a shining light in the world, each woman must cultivate her own confidence and self-esteem by remembering and reclaiming her innate worth and divine essence. 

She must learn how to compassionately meet herself, transform negative inner voices and uproot energetic ties to negative thoughts as she discerningly tends her inner world to be a garden of love, courage and truth.

The world needs you grounded in your wisdom and power.

Join me Sunday, April 21st and let's do this together...

Online registration includes recording.

Aura Members get 15% off this event!

This 2-hour women's event includes...

✦ Inspiring Dharma Talk

✦ Kundalini Yoga Empowerment Activation

✦ Codes for healthy boundaries and mind-mastery

✦ Embodied belief re-programming

✦ Meditation & chanting

What to bring:

✦ Water or tea

✦ Journal
✦ Clothes for movement

Online registration includes recording.

Aura Members get 15% off this event!

Sign Up Now for Special Early Bird Pricing & Bonuses

Imagine how different it would feel to…

  • Consciously lead a large Kundalini class with confidence, offering a clear, powerful, and transformational program to bring you success emotionally, energetically, and financially.

  • Attract your perfect soul clients and support their healing and growth, either 1-1 or through your own Kundalini yoga membership community.

  • Set your own schedule and terms as you teach and inspire from the comfort of your home (or anywhere in the world!), feeling empowered, awake, and in charge.

  • Show up online with an authentic presence, pro-level video, and amazing sound, so you can boost your reputation and impact!

  • Receive support from Liya’s team and a community of like-minded humans who are committed, like you, to the process of self-mastery.

  • Be a part of the global Aura Kundalini team of teachers and leaders who spread conscious teachings and practices all over the world!

Free Aura Membership 6 Months

($578 Value)

You’ll get INSTANT access to the collection of our Aura Kundalini Yoga classes to launch you into your Kundalini journey. Your membership begins the day you sign up for this program, so you can fire up your inner yogi as soon as possible!

We have new live classes every day of the week to fit your schedule. This is where you can meet the Aura teachers learn from them, and deepen your practice. By tuning into Aura classes, you will feel connected to the Aura community and get a real, live taste of what it would be like to teach from this online platform!

The First Ten People to Sign Up Receive 2 Private

Coaching Sessions


Liya will support you in setting your clear intentions for this training and what you want to master in this Self Initiation journey. These sessions are super intuitive to help you have your own unique experience.

($250 VALUE)


Lauren will guide you in getting connected to your soul as you embark on this incredible self-mastery journey so that your experience will be aligned with what your destiny is calling for!

($250 VALUE)




(Save $593)



The First Ten People to Sign Up Receive 2 Private Coaching Sessions


Liya will support you in setting your clear intentions for this training and what you want to master in this Self Initiation journey. These sessions are super intuitive to help you have your own unique experience.

($250 VALUE)


Lauren will guide you in getting connected to your soul as you embark on this incredible self-mastery journey so that your experience will be aligned with what your destiny is calling for!

($250 VALUE)


Pay in Full


4 Payments


The time is now!

The world needs more humans aligned with their truth, free from their egos, and walking their

dharmic path. When you become a certified Kundalini teacher you take part in creating a

better reality and higher vibration not just for yourself, but for all of us here on earth.

Are you ready to rise as a radiant, powerful, and conscious leader?